Share a room? Got an extra ticket?

We are counting down to the holidays, and then of course PressNomics 3 is upon us.

We’ve seen some chatter on twitter about folks looking for a ticket, and a few folks looking to off load a ticket. A few are also looking to split a room at Tempe Mission Palms. Use the comments below to post if you are buying/selling a ticket and if you have or are seeking a roommate at the hotel.

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32 thoughts on “Share a room? Got an extra ticket?

  1. I have a ticket plus a ticket to the museum tour on Saturday, if anyone is interested. $300 for the Pressnomics ticket, $50 for the museum tour via PayPal.

    Contact form on my website.

    Sorry I can’t make it this year!

  2. Hello, I think I will have to cancel my plans to go to Pressnomics, so I have an available early bird ticket for $320, which includes a trip to the museum on Saturday if anyone is looking for a ticket. I also have a reservation at the Tempe Mission Palms for 01/21- 01/25, I’m not sure if the hotel can be transferred, but my understanding was that the hotel was sold out, and I booked very early. I’d be happy to assist with that as well.

    If interested, please contact me right away. I will accept PayPal of $320 O.B.O. at

  3. I got a ticket from Kate Newbill – yay! Anyone looking to get rid of a hotel room or possibly share? email lance at

    By the way, Kimberly (about 10 posts above) still has hers for sale.

  4. Hi,

    I won’t be able to make it this year.

    I’ve got a ticket 300$ and a Deluxe room reservation at Tempe Mission Palms.

    Contact me at arnstein at if you’re interested.

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