The big Why, and How to ‘do’ PressNomics. A note from an organizer.

So I had this crazy idea that there should be an event around WordPress where the content catered to the business owners. After doing the WordCamp thing for a couple years, as we evangelized Pagely, I began to notice the interesting (to me) conversations were the ones happening in the hallways between speakers (which tended to be the faces of commercial entities).

To me, there was way more value in the hallway conversations about talking shop and asking questions of other founders. WordCamps are amazing for learning WordPress, meeting new people, and strengthening the community. However, I want to learn more about the business side of it too and I think others do as well.

The concept of PressNomics is simple.

Set the agenda and get the business stakeholders in the same physical space. Bring in speakers that are willing to speak candidly and transparently in how they do business, mix in some sponsors to help pay the bills and some social time to breakdown the competitive barriers.

We can only lead a horse to water.

As an attendee you control the quality of your experience and what you extract from the time you spend at the event mixing with your peers.


  • Be present. Put away your laptop and put your phone in your pocket.
  • Use a pen and paper to take notes the old fashioned way, your brain absorbs the information better.
  • Engage, listen, and soak it in. People as smart or smarter than you, making as much or more in revenues are on stage sharing with you tips on leveling up your business.
  • Get out of your comfort zone and meet new people.
  • Have an open mind. What works for 1 may or may not work for you. But that fact it works should be proof of its merit.
  • Jump in and out of conversations freely. (This is a pro tip for meeting new people and learning as many new and interesting things as possible)
  • For all that is holy in the world; Relax. We as entrepreneurs wear our scars of stress as a badge of honor at times.  Have a cocktail, unwind a little bit and enjoy the time.
Sally has spent the last several months, not only being the most wonderful new mother imaginable to our young son but also obsessing over the details of this event to ensure you can all attend and have a good experience. So reward her efforts and do just that – Enjoy.


The official PRESSNOMICS League of Ball throwing

Bowling is the sport of kings. In this case it is the sport of really frickin intelligent kings. Have you all seen the movie Kingpin? If not you should. It is a classic.


  • The bus will make multiple round trips between San Marcos and the Bowling Alley {map}. First bus leaves San Marcos at 9:45AM and last bus leaves the Bowling Alley at 1:00-1:15.  It is a 8min ride. Don’t get left or you will be walking.
  • Teams will be assigned to Lanes.
  • Enter your names into the computer system at the lanes, so we can track scores.
  • Prizes for best and worst team/player, strikes, etc. Meet at hotel pool at 3:00pm
  • Lunch Provided

Link to teams sheet.

Don’t See your name? Leave a comment below.
Can’t make it? Leave a comment below.

The PRESSNOMICS Golf Cup: Teams and Details

We are happy to present to you the teams for the first ever PRESSNOMICS Golf Cup. 52 nerds on a golf course, hilarity ensues.


  • Meet at the Golf Pro Shop at 8:30am Saturday Morning to get setup and rent clubs.
  • Shotgun Start at 9:00am sharp. Scramble Rules (basically best ball).
  • Available Club rentals are limited ($15-$40/set), so bring your own or we may end up sharing a bag of clubs per cart.
  • PRESSNOMICS is covering the green fees and cart rental, club rental is out-of-pocket.
  • Track your scores, per player and per team for prizes awarded at 3pm at Hotel Pool.

Link to sheet

Anyone missing? Please comment below.
See you name but won’t be able to golf? Please comment below.

PRESSNOMICS live social stream. #pressnomics

Hey all attendees and those that are interested. I spent the last 2 evenings whipping up this page that will stream in live updates from the blog, twitter, foursquare and flickr.

So tweet, take some photos and add to this flickr group, checkin when you arrive, and comment on the live blog posts throughout the day and sit back and watch it all stream in.

Curious how it works? It polls the services every so often, saves the results to memcached, builds an array of all items and sorts on timestamp and renders out the page. Every few seconds it runs the process again and prepends new items to the top. The memcached TTL is different for each service and staggered so the hope is to avoid all services being polled at once and slowing down the page load. We also cache the whole page in Varnish, and purge it periodically to refresh the landing page for new visitors.  Not bad for a hack of a programmer like myself.

Matt Mullenweg joining us at PressNomics

So, who’s this Matt guy that everybody keeps talking about? I get it… He likes BBQ and comes from Texas but my mom likes pancakes and was born in Wisconsin. What’s the BFD? All kidding aside, we are honored, humbled, and happy to announce that Matt Mullenweg has agreed to a special interview during PressNomics. I could ramble on about Matt’s accomplishments but for brevity’s sake we’ll just call him the ‘Godfather’ of WordPress. Anyone have a pimp cup goblet I could borrow?

Matt and I, Sally Strebel, will be sitting down to talk (Friday) about a range of topics around the business side of WordPress and other more personal questions such as how achieving a measure of business success at a young age has shaped his outlook on things.

– Sally

New sessions + new sponsor + uber

This is it kids, the session schedule has been finalized.  A few of our initial speakers could not make it and we found some amazing replacements.

New Sessions

Pete Davies
The business of WordPress: the ecosystem behind 17% of the web.

Dave Bittner
Top Ten Financial Tips for Business Owners

Aubrey Sabala
How to Make your Communications Relevant

Gregarious Narain
The Business of Visual Media

Welcome Envato

Envato stepped up from a community level sponsor to the commerical level. Everyone please show them your appreciation.


Finally… Does everyone love Uber as much as me? Follow @Uber_Phx and keep an eye on your inbox…

Sponsors rule: @newrelic @firehost @windowsazure @zendesk @site5 @envato

Want to just take this opportunity to thank our sponsors again.

New Relic is the all-in-one web application performance tool that lets you see performance from the end user experience, through servers, and down to the line of application code.

Firehost Cloud Hosting Without Compromise. FireHost is the leader in Secure Cloud Hosting and delivers hosting solutions to eCommerce, SaaS, healthcare IT and security companies around the world. Based out of Dallas, TX, we specialize in protecting websites with compliance and high traffic needs.

Windows Azure is an open and flexible cloud platform that enables you to quickly build, deploy and manage WordPress sites across a global network of Microsoft-managed datacenters.

Zendesk is the proven cloud-based help desk software that is the fastest way to enable great customer service in rapidly growing companies. Zendesk is so easy to use, it’s loved by support teams and their customers worldwide.

Site5 provides fully managed web hosting built upon a global platform. Choose from over 17 locations around the world with more being added all the time.

Envato is a network of thriving digital marketplaces and creative educational blogs. Known for the Tuts+ network as well as marketplaces such as ThemeForest.


The time is near.

Wow, time flys huh.

Here we are about 33 days out from the first of its kind gathering of the brightest minds in the commercial WordPress ecosystem coming together for 3 days of education, collaboration and fun.

Our goal in hosting this event is to foster dialog around the commercial aspects of WordPress, get the major players in the same space, and see what happens. Programming wise we shot for a mix of “How I did it” from leaders of their respective industry and WordPress specific topics. We think we nailed it with this awesome list of speakers. We anticipate many interesting side conversations in the hallways and over drinks taking place as those in attendance take this opportunity to collaborate on new ventures or partnerships.

A couple event details to pass along:

  1. We intentionally wanted to keep the attendee list small, and the atmosphere intimate. We set a goal of 125 attendees and it looks like we will end up around 145 or so.
  2. There is a wait list for a the few remaining tickets if you still wanted to attend or bring a colleague.
  3. If you have not booked your travel yet, hurry up.
  4. 7 countries are represented in our attendee list that include US, Canada, UK, India, Australia, South Africa and Norway. Truly a global affair.
  5. Room reservations at the San Marcos may still be made by calling: 1-888-233-9527 and mentioning PRESSNOMICS. Subject to room availabilty.
  6. If you will still be in town Saturday afternoon and even Sunday, Please feel free to head to Gangplank or meetup in the hotel lobby to hack, talk, or chill.

A huge thanks to all our sponsors, notably our commerical sponsors whom without their help this event would not be possible: New Relic, Firehost, Windows Azure, Zendesk, and Site5.

We look forward to seeing all of you in November.

First group of Sessions announced.

This great group of speakers are busy people. Most successful people are. We have been leaning on them to get us their topic submissions and today we are announcing 11 of the 16 sessions.

View the Sessions on the updated schedule.

We have also provide details on the after hours entertainment. We would like to thank NewRelic, Firehost, and WindowsAzure for sponsoring 3 events for your relaxing pleasure.

New Relic is the all-in-one web application performance tool that lets you see performance from the end user experience, through servers, and down to the line of application code. New Relic is the only dashboard you need to keep an eye on application health and availability.

Cloud Hosting Without Compromise. FireHost is the leader in Secure Cloud Hosting and delivers hosting solutions to eCommerce, SaaS, healthcare IT and security companies around the world.

Windows Azure is an open and flexible cloud platform that enables you to quickly build, deploy and manage WordPress sites across a global network of Microsoft-managed datacenters. Build your WordPress sites on Windows or Mac OS X. You can choose to deploy to our managed Windows Azure Web Sites with native MySQL using FTP or GIT or you can deploy to your choice of 3 flavors of Linux. Microsoft’s global data center presence ensures you can scale your WordPress site up or down to meet your needs. Whether creating new WordPress Sites or enhancing existing sites, Windows Azure lets you take your ideas to market faster and respond quickly to changes in business and your business needs.