Schedule Change, Welcome the Cronkite of WP News

Small schedule change. Brian Krogsgard, the Cronkite of WP News is filling in for Carl Hancock. Carl will hopefully still be able to join us at PN4 as there is a heap of Gravity Forms swag en route.

There is a chance that I may not be able to attend due to personal reasons and I’d rather not hold up a speaking slot at such a great event.  Knowing that, I don’t want PressNomics having to scramble the week of the event to fill the slot. 

VayuoUbSBrian will be filling in, and within our community he needs no introduction. But I’ll give him one anyways. Quickly rising to become the most respected source of WordPress Industry News, Brian writes at and dives deep into issues concerning our ecosystem. I fully expect a few strawmen to go up in flames during his talk.


WP All Export

This post has been supplied by one of our amazing event sponsors. Enjoy.

Easy WordPress Exports with WP All Export

Around 8 months ago we launched WP All Export with the goal of making a customized WordPress export as easy as possible. You can set up a WordPress CSV export in minutes with a simple drag and drop interface. Setting up a WordPress XML export is just as easy – simply drag the elements into whatever order you need them to be in.


WP All Export is fully compatible with WooCommerce. A WooCommerce product export can be configured in a few clicks, allowing you to easily edit the data in Excel, and then re-import with WP All Import. Making a WooCommerce order export is just as simple, so creating customized sales reports is no longer a headache.

Just like WP All Import, WP All Export will run your export in small chunks, piece by piece. This means you can export WordPress users, even tens of thousands of them, on small underpowered shared hosts without a problem.

We’d love for you to give WP All Export a try and tell us what you think:

Final speakers and schedule

PressNomics is 1 month away. The event is shaping up nicely and we look forward to seeing all of you.



Please help us welcome

  • Brian Kuhn, VP of Product at MediaTemple (sponsor)
  • Heidi Jannenga Co-Founder of WebPT
  • Pippin Williamson of Easy Digital Downloads who needs no introduction
  • Matt Medeiros of SlocumStudio and the Mattreport podcast.
  • James Giroux of Envato will be replacing Ben Chan in the lineup.

The Schedule

The schedule has been posted for the daytime conference and evening+weekend social events. This year the non-golf event will be a trip to the Desert Botanical Gardens (lunch included).

Thank you sponsors


Tickets nearly sold out, new speakers, and Parties x 3

Welcome to 2016!

Which means PressNomics 4 is only 2 months away. Here is your latest update.

Get your tickets. Hurry.

As of this writing there are < 10 tickets remaining. Get yours now.

More great speakers.



Please help us welcome:

  • Ben Chan of Envato (Sponsor)
  • Pat Sullivan, a veteran entrepreneur and CEO of Ryver who will share the scars and glory gained building your empire.
  • Tracy Levesque of Yikes Inc will share with us her thoughts on workplace diversity and culture.

The Trifecta of Parties.

Due to the generous help of our sponsors we are able to add a 3rd reception to the event.

  • Wednesday Evening 3/02 – GravityFormsMediaTemple welcome you with an opening reception.
  • Thursday Evening 3/03 – GravityFormsSucuri will help us network.
  • Friday Evening 3/04 – GravityFormsEnvato will close us out in style.

Hope everyone’s 2016 is starting off well. Remember to book your travel/rooms now!

Jeff Walters and Japh Thomson to speak at PN4

Today we announce 2 additional speakers.


Jeff Walters is a long time colleague of mine that has advised me on any number of business topics. A successful entrepreneur and Partner at True North Companies, Jeff will walk us through the Prviate Equity funding process.

Japh Thomson to most in the WordPress Community needs no introduction. Super talented developer at HumanMade and all around nice guy, Japh will discuss various communication styles and how to reach the positive outcome, even in a heated conversation.

Everyone be sure to book rooms as they are almost gone. Enjoy your holiday break.

Four speakers added to PN4

Welcome to Autumn everyone. Have you purchased your tickets yet?

Four new speakers

Please help us welcome four additional speakers to the PressNomics 4 line up.

Carl Hancock of Gravity Forms is going to go “Full Carl” on us and walk us through his journey in business.

Alex King formerly of CrowdFavorite will be sharing his thoughts on business and answering “If WordPress is the Star Wars universe, who is Vader?”

Aaron Jorbin of Condé Nast will talk about recruiting new employees.

Jeannette Maré will share with us her philanthropic journey behind the Ben’s Bells project. Be Kind everyone.


New Sponsors and On Sale reminder.

The financial support provided by this year’s sponsors has been unprecedented. Quite simply there are more sponsors than we have spots available and had to turn away a few sponsors, or have sponsors engage at a lower level. I think that means we have a good event 😉

Please help us welcome:

  • MojoMarketplace is back for their 4th year, this time around they are helping us as an Airfare sponsor. With their help we will cover some or all airfare costs for our speakers.
  • TheWPValet as a C level sponsor. Mason and his team are great folks and we send a good chunk of work to them via Pagely.
  • 3five is a newcomer at the community level, and will be sponsoring the coffee this year. Yay Java.
  • CrowdFavorite is back again as a community sponsor.
  • is a first time sponsor at the C level. White-label managed WordPress.
  • a2Hosting is a first time sponsor at the community level.
  • Themeisle is a first time sponsor at the community level.
  • Freemius  is also a first timer at the community level.

Logistics Update

  • Tickets go on sale Sept 1, at 10am PST.
  • The hotel booking codes will be in your emailed ticket receipt
  • Sponsors will be sent an email a few days prior with a special access code to secure their tickets (book your room early)
  • Past Attendees will be sent an email a few days prior with a special access code to secure specially priced tickets. These are limited in quantity to act fast.

1 speaker announcement with many more to follow soon.

AAEAAQAAAAAAAAU2AAAAJDFhODMwNjJkLWVjZWItNGMxZC04OGUwLWE1OWY0NzE3YTdlZQPlease help us welcome back speaker Marcus Nelson. Marcus spoke at PN1 and in the time since has had quite the adventure in business. He’ll be catching us up, and trust me it is a story worth hearing.



Thank you all sponsors


Announcing Pressnomics’ First Speaker! Cory Miller


Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you’ll feed him for a lifetime.

Cory’s very generous with knowledge and we’re proud to announce that he agreed to speak at Pressnomics 4. He was the first person that we asked to speak because he’s a good friend with a great business (a little company called iThemes) and many similar values. He has a lot to offer this world and we’re lucky enough to get to hear some of his thoughts. His talk at Wordcamp Denver regarding mental health was important for our community so we asked for part two and how it relates to business. I’m already very excited to hear him speak!